Category: advanced NTP

Windows Server and the Importance of NTP

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Windows Server is the most common operating system used by business networks. Whether it is the latest Windows Server 2008 or a previous incarnation such as 2003, most computer networks used in trade and business have a version.

These network operating systems make use of the time synchronization protocol NTP (Network Time Protocol) to ensure synchronicity between all devices connected to the network. This is vital in the modern world of global communication and trade as a lack of synchronization can cause untold problems; data can get lost, errors can go undetected, debugging becomes near impossible and time sensitive transactions can fail if there is no synchronization.

NTP works by selecting a single time source and it be checking the time on all devices on the network, and adjusting them, it ensures the time is synchronised throughout. NTP is capable of keeping all PCs, routers and other devices on a network to within a few milliseconds of each other.

The only requirement for network administrators is to select a time source – and this is where many IT professionals commonly go wrong.

Internet time servers

Any source of time to synchronize a network to should be UTC (Coordinated Universal Time) which is a global timescale controlled by the world’s most accurate atomic clocks and the number one source for finding a UTC time server is the internet.

And many network administrators opt to use these online time servers thinking they are an accurate and secure source of time; however, this is not strictly the case. Internet time servers send the time signal through the network firewall which means viruses and malicious users can take advantage of this ‘hole.’

Another problem with internet time servers is that their accuracy can’t be guaranteed. Often they are not as accurate as a profession network requires and factors such as distance away from the host can make differences in the time.

Dedicated NTP time server

Dedicated NTP time servers, however, get the time directly from atomic clocks – either from the GPS network or via secure radio transmissions from national physics laboratories. These signals are millisecond accurate and 100% secure.

For anyone running a network using Windows Server 2008 or other Microsoft operating system should seriously consider using a dedicated NTP server rather than the internet to ensure accuracy, reliability and security.

NTP Time Servers Keeping Technology Precise

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Atomic clocks are much underrated technologies their development has revolutionised the way we live and work and has made possible technologies that would be impossible without them.

Satellite navigation, mobile phones, GPS, the internet, air traffic control, traffic lights and even CCTV cameras are reliant on the ultra precise timekeeping of an atomic clock.

The accuracy of an atomic clock is incomparable to other time keeping devices as they don’t drift by even a second in hundreds of thousands of years.

But atomic clocks are large sensitive devices that need team of experienced technicians and optimum conditions such as those found in a physics laboratory. So how do all these technologies benefit from the high precision of an atomic clock?

The answer is quite simple, the controllers of atomic clocks, usually national physics laboratories, broadcast via long wave radio the time signals that their ultra precise clocks produce.

To receive these time signals, servers that use the time synchronization protocol NTP (Network Time Protocol) are employed to receive and distribute these timestamps.

NTP time servers, often referred to as network time servers, are a secure and accurate method of ensuring any technology is running accurate atomic clocks time. These time synchronization devices can synchronise single devices or entire networks of computers, routers and other devices.

NTP servers that use GPS signals to receive the time from the atomic clock satellites are also commonly used. These NTP GPS time servers are as accurate as those that receive the time from physics laboratories but use the weaker, line of sight GPS signal as their source.

The Vulnerability of GPS

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An increase in GPS ‘attacks’ has been causing some concern amongst the scientific community.  GPS, whilst a highly accurate and reliable system of transmitting time and positing information, relies on very weak signals that are being hampered by interference from the Earth.

Both unintentional interference such as from pirate radio stations or intentional deliberate ‘jamming’ by criminals is still rare but as technology that can hamper GPS signals becomes more readily available, the situation is expected to get worse.

And while the effects of signal failure of the GPS system may have obvious results for people who use it for navigation (ending up in the wrong location or getting lost) it could have more serious and profound repercussions for the technologies that rely on GPS for time signals.

As so many technologies now rely on GPS timing signals from telephone networks, the internet, banking and traffic lights and even our power grid any signal failure no matter how briefly, could cause serious problems.

The main problem with the GPS signal is that it is very weak and as it comes from space bound satellites, little can be done to boost the signal so any similar frequency being broadcast in a local area can easily drown out GPS.

However, GPS is not the only accurate and secure method of receiving the time from an atomic clock source. Many national physics laboratories from across the globe broadcast atomic clock signals via radio waves (usually long wave). In the USA these signals are broadcast by NIST (National Institute for Standards and Time (known as WWVB) whilst in the UK, it’s MSF signal is broadcast by NPL (National Physical Laboratory).

Dual time servers that can receive both signals are available and are a safer bet for any high technology company that can’t afford to risk losing a time signal.

Network Time Protocol and Computer Time Synchronization

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Ask any network administrator or IT engineer and ask them how important network time synchronization is and you’ll normally get the same answer – very.

Time is used in almost all aspects of computing for logging when events have happened. In fact timestamps are the only reference a computer can use to keep tracks of tasks it has done and those that it has yet to do.

When networks are unsynchronized the result can be a real headache for anybody tasked with debugging them. Data can be often lost, applications fail to commence, error logging is next to impossible, not to mention the security vulnerabilities that can result if there is no synchronized network time.

NTP (Network Time Protocol) is the leading time synchronisation application having been around since the 1980’s. It has been constantly developed and is used by virtually every computer network that requires accurate time.

Most operating systems have a version of NTP already installed and using it to synchronise a single computer is relatively straight forward by using the options in the clock settings or task bar.

However, by using the inbuilt NTP application or daemon on a computer will result in the device using a source of internet time as a timing reference. This is all well and good for single desk top machines but on a network a more secure solution is required.

It is vital on any computer network that there are no vulnerabilities in the firewall which can lead to attacks from malicious users. Keeping a port open to communicate with an internet timing source is one method an attacker can use to enter a network.

Fortunately there are alternatives to using the internet as a timing source. Atomic clock time signals can be received using long wave radio or GPS transmissions.

Dedicated NTP time server devices are available that make the process of time synchronisation extremely easy as the NTP servers receives the time (externally to the firewall) and can then distribute to all machines on a network – this is done securely and accurately with most networks synchronised to an NTP server working to within a few milliseconds of each other.

New Technologies and the Growing Importance of Time Synchronisation

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The NTP protocol (Network Time Protocol) has since the earliest days of the internet been responsible for synchronising the time across computer networks. Not only is NTP effective at this, but when connected to a source of UTC (Coordinated Universal Time) NTP is also extremely accurate.

Most computer networks connect to UTC via a dedicated NTP time server. These devices use an external connection to an atomic clock to receive the time and then distribute it across a network. By connecting externally, via GPS (Global Positioning System) or long wave radio , not only are NTP time servers incredibly accurate but they are also very secure as they don’t rely on an internet connection for the time.
NTP time servers are also increasingly being used for other new innovations. Not only have traditional technologies such as CCTV, traffic lights, air traffic control and the stock exchange, become reliant on time synchronisation with time servers but an increasing amount of modern technologies are too.

NTP time servers are now common in modern digital signage systems (the use of flat screen TVs for out of home advertising). These networked screens are often synchronised to allow scheduled and orchestrated campaigns.

A synchronized digital signage campaign is one method of making an out of home advertising campaign stand-out. This is increasingly important as more and more digital signage is being implemented making a conventional digital signage campaign difficult to engage and catch the eye.

By synchronising multiple screens together with a NTP time server and running a scheduled and timed campaign. This allows content to be scheduled or timed to maximise its impact.

Small time servers can eben be installed directly into the digital signage of LCD enclosure although as most of these tiem synchnisation devices require a GPS or long wave signal the antenna can be problamtic. A better solution is to network the digtal signage and use a single NTP server as a method fo synchonisation.

NTP may be the oldest protocol on the internet and NTP time servers have been around for nearly two decades but this comparatively antique technology and software has never been so much in demand.

MSF Outages for 2010

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Users of the National Physical Laboratory’s (NPL) MSF time and frequency signal are probably aware that the signal is occasionally taken off-air for scheduled maintenance.

NPL have published there scheduled maintenance for 2010 where the signal will be temporarily taken off-air. Usually the scheduled downtimes lasts for less than four hours but users need to be aware that while NPL and VT Communications, who service the antenna, make every effort to ensure the transmitter is off for a brief amount of time as possible, there can be delays.

And while NPL like to ensure all users of the MSF signal have advanced warning of possible outages, emergency repairs and other issues may lead to unscheduled outages. Any user receiving problems receiving the MSF signal should check the NPL website in case of unscheduled maintenance before contacting your time server vendor.

The dates and times of the scheduled maintenance periods for 2010 are as follows:

* 11 March 2010 from 10:00 UTC to 14:00 UTC

* 10 June 2010 from 10:00 BST to 14:00 BST (UTC + 1 hr)

* 9 September 2010 from 10:00 BST to 14:00 BST (UTC + 1 hr)

* 9 December 2010 from 10:00 UTC to 14:00 UTC

As these scheduled outages should take no longer than four hours, users of MSF referenced time servers should not notice any drop off in accuracy of their network as their shouldn’t be enough time for any device to drift.

However, for those users concerned about accuracy or require a NTP time server (Network Time Server) that doesn’t succumb to regular outages, they may wish to consider investing in a GPS time server.

GPS time servers receive the time from the orbiting navigational satellites. As these are available anywhere on the globe and the signals are never down for outages they can provide a constant accurate time signal (GPS time is not the same as UTC but is easily converted by NTP as it is exactly 17 seconds behind due to leap seconds being added to UTC and not GPS).

Why a GPS Time Server is the Number One Choice for Time Synchronization

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When it comes to synchronizing a computer network there are several choice to ensure each device is running the same time. NTP (Network Time Protocol) is the preferred choice of time synchronization protocols but there are a multitude of methods in how NTP receives the time.

The NTP Daemon is installed on most operating systems such as windows and applications such as Windows Time are quite capable of receiving a source of UTC time (Coordinated Universal Time) from across the internet.

UTC time is the preferred time source used by computer networks as it is kept true by atomic clocks. UTC, as the name suggests, is also universal and is used by computer networks all over the world as a source to synchronize too.

However, internet sources of UTC are to recommended for any organisation where security and accuracy are a concern. Not only can the distant from host (internet time server) to the client (your computer network) can never be accurately measured leading to a drop in precision. Furthermore, any source of internet time will need access through the firewall (usually through the UDP 123 port). And by leaving this port open, malicious users and hackers can take advantage and gain access to the system.

Dedicated NTP time servers are a better solution as they receive the time from an external source. There are really two types of NTP server, the radio reference time server and the GPS time server.
Radio reference time servers use signals broadcast by places like NPL (National Physical Laboratory in the UK) or NIST (National Institute of Standards and Time). While these signals are extremely accurate, precise and secure they are affected by regular maintenance on the transmitters that broadcast the signal. Also being long wave they are vulnerable to local interference.

GPS time servers on the other hand receive the time directly from GPS satellites. This GPS time is easily converted to UTC by NTP (GPS time is UTC – 17 seconds exactly as no leap seconds have been added.) As the GPS signal is available everywhere on the earth 24 hours a day, 365 days a week, there is never a risk of a loss of signal.
A single dedicated GPS time server can synchronize a computer network of hundreds, and even thousands of machines to within a few of milliseconds of UTC time.

Five Reasons why your Network needs a NTP Server

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Accurate timekeeping if quite often overlooked as a priority for network administrators yet many are risking both security and data loss by not ensuring their networks are synchronised as precisely as possible.

Computers do have their own hardware clocks but these are often just simple electronic oscillators such as exist in digital watches and unfortunately these system clocks are prone to drift, often by as much as several seconds in a week.

Running different machines on a network that have different times – even by only a few seconds – can cause havoc as so many computer tasks rely on time. Time, in the form of timestamps, is the only reference computers use to distinguish between different events and failure to accurately synchronize a network can lead to all sorts of untold problems.

Here are some of the major reasons why your network should be synchronised using Network Time Protocol, prefasbly with a NTP time server.

Data Backups – vital to safeguard data in any business or organization, a lack of synchronisation can lead to not only back ups failing but older versions of files replacing more modern versions.

Malicious Attacks – no matter how secure a network, somebody, somewhere will eventually gain access to your network but without accurate synchronisation it may become impossible to discover what compromises have taken place and it will also give any unauthorised users extra time inside a network to wreak havoc.

Error logging – when faults occur, and they inevitably do, the system logs contain all the information to identify and correct problems. However, if the system logs are not synchronised it can sometimes be impossible to figure out what went wrong and when.

Online Trading – Buying and selling on the internet is now commonplace and in some businesses thousands of online transactions are conducted every second from seat reservation to buying of shares and a lack of accurate synchronisation can result in all sorts of errors in online trading such as items being bought or sold more than once.

Compliance and legality – Many industrial regulations systems require an auditable and accurate method of timing. A unsynchronised network will also be vulnerable to legal issues as the exact time an event is alleged to have taken place can not be proved.

Network Time Protocol For When Time Matters

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There is a certain irony that the computer that sits on your desktop and may have cost as much as month’s salary will have a clock onboard that is less accurate than a cheap wristwatch bought at a petrol or gas station.

The problem is not that computers are in particularly made with cheap timing components but that any serious timekeeping on a PC can be achieved without expensive or advanced oscillators.

The onboard timing oscillators on most PCs are in fact just a back up to keep the computer clock synchronised when the PC is off or when network timing information is unavailable.

Despite these inadequate onboard clocks, timing on a network of PC’s can be achieved to within millisecond accuracy and a network that is synchronised to the global timescale UTC (Coordinated Universal Time) shouldn’t drift at all.

The reason this high level of accuracy and synchronicity can be achieved without expensive oscillators is that computers can use Network Timing Protocol (NTP) to find and maintain the exact time.

NTP is an algorithm that distributes a single source of time; this can be generated by the onboard clock of a PC – although this would see every machine on the network drift as the clock itself drifts – A far better solution is to use NTP to distribute a stable, accurate source of time, and most preferably for networks that conduct business across the internet, a source of UTC.

The simplest method of receiving UTC – which is kept true by a constellation of atomic clocks around the globe – is to use a dedicated NTP time server. NTP servers use either GPS satellite signals (Global Positioning System) or long wave radio broadcasts (usually transmitted by national physics laboratories like NPL or NIST).

Once received the NTP server distributes the timing source across the network and constantly checks each machine for drift (In essence the networked machine contacts the server as a client and the information is exchanged via TCP/IP.

This makes the onboard clocks of the computers themselves obsolete, although when the machines are initially booted up, or if there has been a delay in contacting the NTP server (if it is down or there is a temporary fault), the onboard clock is used to maintain time until full synchronisation is again achievable.

Time Servers and the Internet

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Timing is becoming increasingly crucial for computer systems. It is now almost unheard of for a computer network to function without synchronisation to UTC (Coordinated Universal Time). And even single machines used in the home are now equipped with automatic synchronisation. The latest incarnation of Windows for instance, Windows 7, connects to a timing source automatically (although this application can be turned off manually by accessing the time and date preferences.)

The inclusion of these automatic synchronisation tools on the latest operating systems is an indication of how important timing information has become and when you consider the types of applications and transactions that are now conducted on the internet it is of no surprise.

Internet banking, online reservations, internet auctions and even email can be reliant on accurate time. Computers use timestamps as the only point of reference they have to identify when and if a transaction has occurred. Mistakes in timing information can cause untold errors and problems, particularly with debugging.

The internet is full of time servers with over a thousand time sources available for online synchronisation however; the accuracy and usefulness of these online sources of UTC time do vary and leaving a TCP/IP open in the firewall to allow the timing information through can leave a system vulnerable.

For network systems where timing is not only crucial but where security is also a paramount issue then the internet is not a preferred source for receiving UTC information and an external source is required.

Connecting a NTP network to an external source of UTC time is relatively straightforward if a network time server is used. These devices that are often referred to as NTP servers, use the atomic clocks onboard GPS (Global Positioning System) satellites or long wave transmissions broadcast by places such as NIST or NPL.